Registration Number : S/M/4375 of 2016-2017
Power sector is the driving force for the growth of the state and
"Engineers" of this sector takes the pivotal role in this growth
story. Vibrant Bengal is advancing very fast under the leadership of this
present Government and we, the "Power Engineers" are very lucky to
have an access in direct public service by lighting each corners of the state
of West Bengal. We are also very much eager to bring prosperity and happiness
in the face of the consumers and general public by ensuring quality and uninterrupted
power supply at an affordable price. To ensure these all the Power Engineers
have to work in synchronized mode with the well-structured policy of the
Government, so that the state can flourish by ensuring growth, development and
employments both in the fields of agriculture and industry. Aim of this
association is to communicate the basic demand of the Engineers to our beloved
Government like Pay Scale Revision, timely transfer, promotion, availability of
transparent and clean atmosphere by creation of policies......